Soviet Invasion in Witchfinder General

Songtexte Soviet Invasion in Witchfinder General

Soviet Invasion
Soviet Invasion

Here we are afraid to give
Here we are afraid
Afraid to live
Largest nations in the world
They kill, atomic missile, I hear unto

The U.S.S.R. just fights us off
With their crazy words
For you know, you know the red stain hurts
Don`t they know the next world war`ll be the last one
The dying country on it`s knees
Goes 'n drops the atom bomb
And that`s the end of our world

What kind of country is Russia
People dying, truth doesn`t lie
Communism`s lost every meaning
`Cos capitalism`s all in their mind

Warn these words I say what`s the point in this life
Remember I say
This life

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